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FSLIT05 Be healthy with cell stimulation

Product#: FSLIT05
Electrical signals stimulate cells
In this book the author describes her long experience with frequency therapy in an amazingly simple way. This in..
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CHF 18.40
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Electrical signals stimulate cells

In this book the author describes her long experience with frequency therapy in an amazingly simple way. This information is easily understandable for everyone.
The author referred to her mobile device like a
"universal medicine cabinet".

Author: Sara Kraft

ISBN 978-3-033-04443-2


My Work Technique
The introduction of frequency therapy in my practice_Toc381603462 \h 9
How I came up with frequency therapy
 What is a RIFE treatment?
Number of treatments
My mobile frequency device
Basic Settings
General notes with my COMPACT
Use of electrodes
Programs - Applications
Special treatment for cancer
The 123 Function
Universally valid knowledge
What is a frequency?
Sine wave
Square Wave
Signal height (or amplitude)
The analysis function DIRP
Other noteworthy functions and features of F-SCANs
Use of a frequency modulated CARRIER wave
Applications and application components
Handheld electrodes
Wrist and ankle band electrodes
Electrodes emitting magnetic fields
Battery operation